This is an M1 "NOW Trend" Strategy with maximum 60 points risk per full lot size
I trade strength against weakness and if price is not moving, I want out immediately and this is why my maximum risk is 60 points. If price is moving I want to ride the trend to possible end of support or resistance. Newton's first law of motion says, an object at rest will stay at rest until something triggers it, and when it is triggered into motion, it will stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction until what triggers it becomes unbalanced.
- We wait and do nothing until the object is triggered into motion;
- We want to be on the ball when the object is triggered into motion;
- We want to stay on the object as long as it continues with the same speed and in the same direction, and
- We want out as soon as what triggered the object becomes out of balance.
Trading video2
Trading video1
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