Match strong against weak currencies
And trade the NOW Trend
With maximum risk of 60 points per standard lot size
Capital preservation and low risk, keep us trading and profitable day by day
Stay in trade as long as possible until power changes hand
Want out as quickly as possible if trade is not moving
No need babysitting losing trades. Close and wait for another setup.
It's a no brainer low risk high reward high probability system
When power changes hand as strength turn to weakness or weakness to strength, I change my mind too, and this is why maximum risk is 60 points per full lot size.
Two AUDUSD trades prematurely closed thus missing about 135 points per trade. Bug identified and being fixed by the programmer. We had similar issue on June 5th with 3 trades, missing about 1700 points. See June 5th video & charts
Today is Friday and it should be no surprise if we don't get sustained movement. We therefore take our small profit and call it a day.
A Quick One on My Way Out for 61 points
"Small profit each day adds up to big results" - WeTalkTrades
To made an ocean, start collecting the little drops.
Little drops of water, little grains of sand make the mighty ocean.
Therefore start small and keep risk at the minimum, and you will be around for a long time.
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