Thursday, July 25, 2013

Strength in the Face of Adversity

Read this on the Facebook of a friend and felt it was worth sharing:

One thing that struck me yesterday whilst I was on one of the slots, there was a lady from Eureka CA at the next machine, we got to talking. She was there to be with her daughter, which by itself is not earth shattering, the rest of the story was that this lady is 82, a two year cancer survivor who is spending some time with her daughter from Florida who has terminal cancer. I did not know what to say, the lady realized my dilemma and told me both she and her daughter are reconciled to this and are just enjoying this brief time they have left

It made me realize that everything that X (name removed) and I are going through with the biz, is just peanuts compared to this and that regardless of the outcome over the next month, we do have blessings that we can look forward to, although not yet apparent. I have to admit to being inspired and in awe of this lovely lady and her strength in the face of personal adversity.

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