Friday, January 5, 2024

Watch the Video #LowRiskHighRewardHighProbabilityTrades - January 5, 2024 - London Session

Simple rule based trading, no greed - just take a little from the market and come another day.

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Thursday, January 4, 2024

#LowRiskHighRewardHighProbabilityTrades - January 4, 2024 - London Session

Choppy trading at the beginning of the session with a 422 point initial loss

A self recovering system as soon as the market starts to trend, ending with 1182 point profit.
The secret of this system is its ability to be on every trend. It may make losses during choppy movement but will recover as soon as the market starts to trend, and the Market Will Always Trend.

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Tuesday, January 2, 2024

#LowRiskHighRewardHighProbabilityTrades - January 2, 2024 - London Session



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Happy New Year

May God's abiding presence be with us throughout this New Year. Happy New Year, happy New Beginning.

Shalom 🙏

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Thursday, December 28, 2023

Watch the Video #LowRiskHighRewardHighProbabilityTrades - December 28, 2023 - London Session with over 1100 Points Profit

Testing robot on another broker for London session. Watch the video and see another great result in less than 30 minutes with each strategy doing around 60 pips (600 points) each. Here we are trading full lot size and with all trades now closed for over US$500 each as shown below

Look at the Max Loss column as it confirms the reliability of this system.

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Watch the Video #LowRiskHighRewardHighProbabilityTrades - December 28, 2023 - Asia Session with over 5000 Points Profit

You can see how the market continued even after manually closing the trades.

This is one of the best performance of this robot and I thank God for the inspiration to develop such an outstanding expert advisor.

Profit was about 4,460 points when video recording was stopped but trades were closed for total profit of 5,131 points. Total profit from Friday to date when I implemented a new trade management module is 8,326 points for US$643.44 (trading 10% lot size).

Look at the Max Loss column as it confirms how solid and reliable this system is.

Shalom and best wishes for the New Year all 🙏

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Wednesday, December 27, 2023

#LowRiskHighRewardHighProbabilityTrades - December 27, 2023

We now trade without stop loss. Since we trade strength against weakness, trades are now closed when strength/weakness is reversed and power changes hands.

All the best for the New Year. God bless

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Tuesday, November 28, 2023

#LowRiskHighRewardHighProbabilityTrades - November 29, 2023 - Asia

Global Prime Account trading 0.10 lot size

Pepperstone Account trading 1.0 full lot size

NZDUSD long trade taken by all strategies

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#LowRiskHighRewardHighProbabilityTrades - November 28, 2023 - London

4 minutes of London open adds 400 points to the profit

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#LowRiskHighRewardHighProbabilityTrades - November 28, 2023 - Frankfurt

All use the same trading strategy and the only difference is the trade management.

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Thursday, November 16, 2023

Watch the Video #LowRiskHighRewardHighProbabilityTrades - November 16, 2023 - London Session

Robot doing amazingly well and you can watch the video confirming this outstanding performance with 301.3 pip (3,013 points) profit - US$245.91 (US$2,459.10) in about 33 minutes during London session. The best performing strategy has no loss, and loss on the second best is about 10% of its profit. It is not a misrepresentation when I say, this is a low risk, high reward, high probability trading system and robot.

Amazing God 🙏

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Friday, September 29, 2023

Watch the Video #LowRiskHighRewardHighProbabilityTrades - Sept 29, 2023 - London Session

Robot still performing excellently well and what a way to end Sept with 2420 points profit, equivalent of US$1,594 if we were trading 100% lot size.

Thank You Jesus 🙏

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Monday, July 31, 2023

#LowRiskHighRewardHighProbabilityTrades - July 31, 2023 - Testing in the Forex Lab

I will be focusing on EA# 5111 as EA# 5115 an incomplete strategy setup, was inadvertently left on.

Analysis of EA# 5111
Robot took 22 trades with 16 losers and only 6 "profiters" for 867 net points or 86.7 pips profit. Max risk was 66 points.

Below are details of trades taken

A closer look at some of the charts
Trade1 made initial profit of 237 points and profit lock was turned off to test effectiveness of MA Cross exit and trade was closed for only 38 points profit
Trade2 also made initial profit of 112 points and closed for 7 point loss

These are 3 trades closed on pullbacks before eventually continuing the trend but we want out if a trade is not moving in our favour as we don't know how far a pullback will go as we can see in the USDCHF trade below that moved over 600 points in the opposite direction.

Trade1 is from 5111 and was closed at a loss after initial profit of 146 points

Trade1 was closed for 66 points, our maximum tolerable risk but pulled back 154 points before continuing its uptrend and would have made about 172 point profit. I hate drawdowns and my maximum tolerable risk is 66 points and will be reducing this back to 60 points or below.
Trade2 was also closed for the maximum loss after 60 point profit as profit lock function was off 

Here is now our greatest lesson. Trade was closed at our maximum risk point of 66 but if trade was not closed, we would have suffered  over 600 point loss. This is why we use only a max stop loss of 66 as nobody can predict the market.

We had another opportunity to sell USDCHF @ 6.30 PST (16.30 broker time) but both currencies were strong and we don't trade 2 strong currencies against each other; therefore no trade.
5 minutes later we get signals to buy and sell some pairs but unfortunately they were all skipped due to certain filter conditions in the robot. We missed potential profit of 377 + 193 - 66 - 66 = 438 points

Action Required
1. Reduce maximum SL back to 60 points or below
2. Turn on profit lock to ensure no profitable trades above xx points turn into a loss
3. Relax the Group trade duration filter that made us miss potential profit of 377 points on USDCHF and 193 points on AUDUSD. AUDJPY trade would have ended in a loss of 66 points and NZDJPY would also have ended in a 66 point loss after initial profit of 101 points.

The robot seem to have taken too many trades @ 22 between 5 to 8 am PST but will leave current settings the same. I was testing taking every trade signals with very little filters and closing the ones not moving. The system has proven itself as very effective as just 6 profitable trades were able to cancel the loss on 16 loosing trades. Praise the Lord 🙏

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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Watch the Video #LowRiskHighRewardHighProbabilityTrades - July 18, 2023 - London Session

We've pushed the envelope a bit further down on the maximum risk from 60 points to 50 points and robot doing pretty good but the best is yet to come as I am waiting for a major update from my coder that will keep us longer in trades until power changes hand between two currencies.

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Monday, July 17, 2023

Watch the Video #LowRiskHighRewardHighProbabilityTrades - July 17, 2023 - US Session

I mentioned in my first post of today that I will be reducing the maximum risk or stop loss to 50 points and below is the result in about 3 hours.

Robot took a total of 50 trades with 50 percent closed at a loss and 50 percent closed in profit for Net Profit of 2000 points profit.

Few of the trades closed @ 50 points maximum risk.

Below are few of the profitable trades

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#LowRiskHighRewardHighProbabilityTrades - July 17, 2023

I will be pushing the boundaries by reducing stop loss/maximum risk further to 50 points.
Isaac Newton's first law of motion also known as the law of inertia, states that an object at rest will stay at rest until something triggers it, and when it is triggered into motion, it will stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction until what triggers it becomes unbalanced

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Wednesday, July 12, 2023

#LowRiskHighRewardHighProbabilityTrades - July 12, 2023

Back from vacation and ready to resume trading again

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Thursday, June 29, 2023

Watch the Video - #LowRiskHighRewardHighProbabilityTrades - June 29, 2023

Trades were all manually closed 25 minutes before the high impact US GDP, Unemployment claims  and other reports were due to be released as mentioned in the video above. Now watch the second video below and see what happened as the reports were released. You will see why we don't trade during the news or take unnecessary risk.

Our goal remains:
  1. Capital preservation
  2. Low Risk High Reward High Probability Trades with maximum risk of 60 points per full lot size
  3. Small profit each day that adds up to big results (little drops of water, little grains of sand make the mighty ocean)

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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Watch the Video - #LowRiskHighRewardHighProbabilityTrades - Asia June 28, 2023

Asia on the move. No matter the session, no matter the volatility, our maximum risk remains 60 points. I have tried stop losses of 75, 85 & 95 points in comparison to 60 points maximum risk and 60 points is still the most profitable for my trading strategy.

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